If you are facing foreclosure in Missouri, then there are a few options available to you. The following websites offer different strategies to help you in this time of crisis. If you like what you see and would like to know more about what they are offering, simply follow the link to their website. I understand that this may seem like an impossible situation and that the world is against, I am here to introduce you to a few people who are willing to fight in your corner.

Homeowner Preservation Foundation (HPF)

At HPF, the emphasis is on you, the normal person. It can be an embarrassing and difficult thing to admit to, but HPF truly makes you feel like you are not alone; many people go through the same thing every year. Their hotline number will put you in touch with a specialist who will begin immediately strategizing with you about how to overcome your financial obstacles. The website is easy to navigate, and their services can be customized to your specific needs.

United Capital Mortgage Assistance (UCMA)

UCMA is an efficient and professional organization that can assist you with your mortgage payments and help you with your financial obligations. Their priority is to keep you well-informed and to guide you through any bureaucratic “stuff “that otherwise might be confusing. They can also help you to apply for Loan Modification and improve your chances of being accepted.

St. Louis Missouri Fannie Mae Mortgage Help Center

Suppose you are looking for an honest, straightforward organization to deal with you personally and efficiently, then look no further than Fannie Mae. Designed specifically for those living in St. Louis, Fannie Mae offers free counseling and education on mortgages and other financial issues. Fannie Mae will assist you with avoiding mortgage fraud, and they will help protect you from dishonest lenders. They have got your back!

Either one of these three organizations can assist you with your struggles, but it is essential to remember that you are not alone and that there are people out there who want to help you. If you can use the free services of an experienced homeowner counselor, then why not go for it. You have so much to gain and so much to lose. Get the help you need as soon as you can. You do not have to face this by yourself, and there are many companies and organizations that are based in Missouri that would be more than willing to help you; some are even free of charge. 2020 has shaped up to be a pretty horrific year all round, and many people have broken financially. If you are in this situation, then read on to find out what you can do to save or salvage the loss of your Missouri home.